Computer Back Ups  

In our experience computer back ups, or rather the lack of computer back ups, are one of the most common problems that we have to deal with. 
Having seemingly perfectly functioning computers and IT systems doesn't mean that you data and systems aren't at risk from either external or internal threats. 
Most common external threats include hacking, spyware and more. If you are targetted, untold damage could be done to your hardware and files and it's not just the big companies that suffer with this. 
Internal threats? Anything from a rogue employee to the computers themselves...they are just machines at the end of the day. 
At ACN Solutions we provide the complete remote back up service for both your files and drives so that if the worst happens you can be back up and running in no time. 
For more information on computer back ups simply call us on 01234 480378 or Email [email protected] 
Trust ACN Solutions to keep YOU connected!